


We, at “Tax on Point” have a great history of providing great service to clients and customers with a personal touch.

Our history is being able to assist clients through their personal issues associated with their business, and / or assisting them resolve personal taxation or financial issues.

Tax on Point has been and is actively working with our clients to achieve their business and taxation goals.

Some of our client’s recent issues and request for our services include:

  • How do I setup my new proposed business and what is the best structure to setup and run my business in?  Is a company and / or trust the best way to setup and operate my new business?
  • I need a new accountant that can help and assist me in meeting my business and tax compliance issues.  Can you assist me and help me with working through all the business and taxation requirements of my business and personal tax issues?
  • COVID 19 and the uncertainty in the world has made me think about many issues.  One of those issues is my will and the issues associated with my estate, and what I want to happen to my assets.
  • Can you assist me with estate planning to give me and my family the certainty I desire, to ensure that my children and family are looked after I have deceased?
  • For health reasons, my husband and I can no longer operate our business.  What is the best way and how do we, sell or hand over the business to the next owner, ensuring that we can exit in the best fashion, that gives us the best financial benefits and access to our financial retirement assets and access to any pension entitlements?

What personalised service can we assist you with, that will allow us to demonstrate and deliver to you, our years of experience and knowledge?

Contact us, and let show you the issues that are the “Tax on Point”

    CPA acredited