


We, at “Tax on Point” have a great history of providing great service to business clients and customers with a professional and personal approach.

Our experience and wealth of tax knowledge applies to the many and complex structures that exist in our business world.

We understand business structures and our experience extends to the setup, the best use of that structure to determine and gain the best tax outcomes for you.

Our experience is in and with and the use of:

  • Companies
  • Discretionary Trusts
  • Unit Trusts
  • Partnerships
  • Joint Ventures
  • Superannuation Funds

This allows us to deliver the right outcomes and the best tax results for you and the business.

This includes assisting clients with:

  • Issues of Tax Compliance (things that the ATO require us to do)
  • Tax Consulting or specialist tax advice for a specific situation or transaction

Our tax experience and knowledge also extends to the following taxation issues:

  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Goods and Service Tax (GST) and Business Activity Statements (BAS)
  • Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
  • Pay as You Go Withholding
  • Pay as You Go Instalments
  • Payroll Tax
  • Employee payroll and Superannuation
  • Salary Sacrifice Arrangements

A client who recently completed a major capital project, now in operating production, was faced with determining the depreciation costs of those capital assets employed in the business. Our tax research and investigations were able to allow the client to claim an extra deduction of $1 million per year by utilising certain provisions in the Capital Allowance Provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act.  The client was delighted with the tax savings for the current and future years.

What personalised service can we assist you with, that will allow us to demonstrate and deliver to you, our years of experience and a solution for your business tax issues?

Contact us, and let us service, and resolve your simple or complex business tax issues that are relevant to you as the “Tax on Point”

    CPA acredited